Weekly Performance Rubric for Adult ESL Students

It is not uncommon for me to use rubrics to evaluate student projects.  But, as we’ve become increasingly concerned about our environment and our budgets, I’ve made every effort to run my class paperlessly by using technology.  Putting more online has also helped me and the students stay better organized and on task.  So, it was time to update my rubrics from paper to digital.

I was looking for an online rubric template which would eliminate paper, total scores, allow for easy modifications, and provide me with a duplicate of the individual rubric given to each student.  What I found was right in front of me on Blackboard, the course management system used by my college.  In addition to all of the above, Blackboard automatically sends a copy of the rubric score into the grade book, and even has space for individual feedback.

My plan is to use the rubric to evaluate the students’ weekly performance.  I have incorporated in it, together with the college and departmental core abilities and the course competencies, the skills that my last semester students valued and asked collaboratively to have emphasized in their performance reviews.

The rubric will change as our needs change, and I expect to have to do some tweaking sooner than later.  But, I am confident that weekly use of it will help my students better understand what the college and I expect of them for them to be considered successful in class and move on to the next level of education.

  Levels of Achievement
 Criteria   Novice   Competent   Proficient
Demonstrates level six (course)competencies as indicated on the syllabus 10 Points
Exhibits minimal understanding of new structures; frequent use of native language
20 Points
Demonstrates ability to use new structures correctly some of the time; infrequent use of native language
30 Points
Demonstrates ability to use new structures and vocabulary most of the time; always uses English in class
Participates in class: acts responsibly, values self and is respectful of others’ rights, needs, and opinions 10 Points
Participates when called on, but is usually unprepared,   frequently absent or late to class
15 Points
Participates when called on successfully some of the time
20 Points
Participates actively and successfully most of the time
Works productively and efficiently: completes daily work using  resources successfully, makes up work due to absences in a timely manner 10 Points
Takes tests but rarely completes other assignments; has trouble meeting due dates
15 Points
Takes all tests and completes most of the assigned work within given time frame
20 Points
Takes all tests and completes assignments by due dates
Works cooperatively: completes tasks, solves problems, resolves conflicts, provides information, and offers support 5 Points
Contributes minimally, accepts others’ solutions,
not dependable
7 Points
Completes most tasks, strives to participate and contribute, dependable
10 Points
Completes tasks, facilitates discussion, synthesizes information, valuable
Uses Technology: Uses technology taught including Blackboard to access course  materials, complete assignments, and take tests. 5 Points
Needs assistance with all technology including Bb
7 Points
Uses Bb but needs continual assistance with other technologies
10 Points
Uses Bb and new technologies independently
Demonstrates creative thinking: constructs knowledge, and develops innovative products and processes with or without technology. 5 Points
Does not yet show fluency, original thought or unprompted elaboration.
7 Points
Shows some evidence of fluency, originality, and spontaneous thought
10 Points
Shows consistent evidence of fluency, originality, and spontaneous thought

Resources used for this rubric in conjunction with the Milwaukee Area Technical College core abilities are:
1)  Blackboard Rubrics http://library.blackboard.com/ref/a86c3648-80a5-43cc-8fed-b3f5d24518ce/Content/as_r7_3_Instructor_Manual/rubrics.htm#Create
2)  Collaborative Work Skills Rubric http://course1.winona.edu/shatfield/air/grouprubric.pdf
3)  Core Abilities http://www2.honolulu.hawaii.edu/facdev/guidebk/teachtip/cor-abil.htm4)
4)  Penn State Rubric Cubed: Rubric Builder, Interactive Grading Rubric, Rich Feedback Generator  https://www.e-education.psu.edu/facdev/id/assessment/rubrics/rubric_builder.html  (No longer an active site)
5)  Rubric Use and Development http://www.bused.org/rsabe/rsabe05.pdf
6)  ToGa Learning http://togalearning.com/2011/09/13/rubric-descriptors-for-information-literacynets-benchmarks/

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    […] Informations on that Topic: ritasimsan.wordpress.com/2012/07/06/weekly-performance-rubric-for-adult-esl-students/ […]…

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    […] Find More Informations here: ritasimsan.wordpress.com/2012/07/06/weekly-performance-rubric-for-adult-esl-students/ […]…

  3. Reblogged this on Web 2.0 for ESL and commented:

    Though this rubric is written for a level six adult ESL class, it can easily be revised for other levels or even other subjects. There have been a lot of hits on this post, and I hope some of you are using the rubric for your classes. Have you modified it? Would you share your ideas and modifications with me?

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